The blinking lights, the ringing buzzers, and all the crap you’ve seen... Time beckons you to show your genius and make your own version of stuff with the Hexapeds and strings at the G.M.D.-Geek’s circuit Making and Debugging contest.
Teams of maximum 3 members are allowed.
5 teams to qualify for the final round after preliminary round.
A maximum of 5 problems to be solved in 2 hrs.
All electronic components and coloured wires will be supplied.
Final working circuit on breadboard will have to be shown.
No text, components, cell-phones or any other type of helping material will be allowed.
Data sheets of the components will be provided.
Each team gets a maximum of 1 breadboard.
Team making the maximum number of working solutions to problem statements wins. In case no team is able to complete even a single problem then the team closest to a viable solution will be declared the winner.
Stationery will be provided.
If a tie occurs, a tie breaker of maximum 30 minutes will decide the winner. The first team to finish the problem wins.
Participation fee of Rs. 30 has to be deposited at the time of registration.
Participants of the final round can take away their circuits and breadboard.
For details contact,
Amit Kumar- 9847554806
Pradyumna Sharma- 9744756405