TGPA (The Grand Programming Arena) provides the perfect platform for programmers to showcase their abilities, by cracking some really challenging problems and attempting to solve them rapidly. This contest focuses not just on solving problems, but also on the ‘elegance’ of the solution.
1)There would be a prelim and a final round.*
2)A team of only 2 people is allowed.
3)The participants would be provided with four/five questions.
4)The maximum time allotted for completing them is 3 hours.
5)Participants can use any coding language to solve the problems.
6)The choice of the language would have to be specified at the time of registration.
7)Mathematical knowledge, upto JEE level would only be required to solve the problems.
8)The registration fee for the event is Rs. 20.
9)The solutions would be evaluated, not only on the basis of correctness, but also on execution time and length of the code.
10)Detailed format of the event would be informed at the time of the contest.
For any queries contact: Nakul
Aerospace (4th Sem.)
*Note: Prelim would be held depending upon the number of teams registered.
If a prelim is held, it would be a written round.