This event would test the practical thinking of the participants and their innovativeness in using the resources to the fullest. This would be an on spot event.
Problem statement
Using the given materials like thermocol sheets, small bamboo sticks, polythene sheet etc make a glider. Since it is an on spot event the materials might have an element of surprise. But since all participants will be at the same platform having similar resources what would matter is how fast you are able to come up with an idea implementing it.
Points will be given on the basis of the distance the glider is able to glide and how fast the glider is built in the ratio of 3:1
Points = 3x (distance flied (in cm)) – (time taken to complete (in minuets))
All teams will be given three trails during which they could make some changes, and the best out of the three trails will be taken as the teams score. The event will be held at the badminton court.
The glider will be hand launched from the badminton court first floor. To have no confusion about the force given and the mannerism of launch, gliders of all participants will be launched by the event co-ordinator so that no team has an undue advantage.
There are no restrictions on the size of the glider or its design or on its weight. You are free to come up with any design than you think would complete the task. But in case of a tie the better design will be awarded.
Maximum number of members per team is 3.
A.John Vivian Prashant (Aerospace II year)
Sandeep Devarapalli (Aerospace II year)