General rules:
1. 12 players per team.
2. Each player must participate in at least in 2 game rounds, can be either in CS, AOE or both.
3. No Tie-breaker. Points are split in case of tie.
4. In case of technical failures, match will be restarted except in cases of foul play.
5. In cases of foul play, the opposing team will be awarded all the points.
6. Teams will be decided by an auction. Captains will bid for the players.
7. Headphones are to be brought by the players themselves.
8. Bidding will be done on 18th March 2009 for teams.
9. Registration Fee: Rs 30 per person
Individual Events
Counter Strike:
1. Version 1.6 will be used.
2. Maps: Aztec, Dust-2, 3rd will be decided by draw – inferno, nuke
3. 6 players per team, per match.
4. Buy time: 90 secs
5. Freeze time:0 secs
6. Game time: 3 rounds @ 15 mins per round
7. Friendly fire on.
8. Starting money: 800$
9. Initializing time: 5 mins
10. Shields off.
11. Bonus: Win match with thrice the score, + 10 points.
12. Winning team gets 10 points.
Age of Empires- Conquerors:
1. Random Map will be selected by a draw.
2. Civilization will be picked through a toss. 1-2-2-2-1. Huns and Aztecs banned!!
3. Population: 150
4. Starting Age: Dark age
5. Victory: Conquest
6. Game speed: Fast
7. Teams together on
8. Lock teams on
9. Lock speed on
10. Cheats off
11. Bonus: Win a game in under 1 hour 20 min game time +10 points.
12. Winning team gets 10 points.
queries@apoorv – 9995780937
ritwick - 9961310876